Thursday, 16 August 2012

Style or...?

So you are walking downtown and you see a person wearing something that is so crazy you want to take a picture on your phone and send it to all your friends. But have you ever thought what that person might think of your fashion choice? The purpose of dressing up is to reflect your own personal taste and style. However in today's society it is deemed that if you wear chains and black clothes you are out of style. The point that I am trying to get accross is who gets to decide what you are to wear in order to "fit in". Everybody in Canada is given the freedom of expression and clothing choices should be no different on a day to day basis. I understand if you are working and your job requires for you to dress a certain way. This is a professional purpose and must be applied to people. If you work in construction or a warehouse you are going to wear steel boots. Id you work in an law firm you are going to wear a suit. But out of work it it your complete choice what you are going to wear. So don't let the media say what you should and shouldn't be wearing.

Be an individual,

Miss Schneider

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Stress at Work

No matter what your job is, a lawyer, dentist, hair dresser, construction worker etc, you will always have some sort of stress at times related to your job. For me, I work in a fairly stress-free environment. However sometimes the stress still builds up no matter how hard I try to let it go right through me. The following are physical signs that you are stressed:

  • Aches, chest pains
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Frequent colds
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea or dizziness or both
Stress also effects the behavioral side of a person as well including:

  • Eating more or less
  • Sleeping more or less
  • Isolation
  • Using drugs or alcohol to relax
  • Picking up nervous habits (nail biting etc)
Stress can make you behave differently, change your body, and also just make you sad. So how does one cope with stress? First one has to find out what is causing the stress. Some examples could include:

  • Work related
  • Family related
  • Financial problems
  • Relationship problems
  • Not having enough "you time"
Once you isolate the reason why you are stressed you have to find out 3 things. One, how to relax. Two how to manage stress. Three learn how to quickly relieve stress. Once you have mastered all of these traits stress will become easier to overcome and cope with. You should find an outlet which allows you to get rid of your stress. An example could be joining a kickboxing class or something active. Or maybe meditation. Each person is different, but it is healthy to keep your stress under control.

A stress-free life is a happy life.

Miss Schneider

Monday, 13 August 2012

Snack foods

Okay so we've all been there at one point or another. Looking into your fridge wondering what to eat to stop yourgrowling stomache. I have made TONS of bad food decisions to have a quick and convenient snack. And example in my own life would be having late night chips, pop, and even candy. Let me say the next day I would wake up and feel not exactly like myself. So what are some solutions that I have come up with in my own life to curb my sudden cravings?

  • Make home made popcorn on the stove (contains low amount of fat, no added preservatives)
  • Have small snack packs (cookies, chips etc)
  • Dried fruit (I prefer mango but there are many more types)
  • Sugar is good in controlled amounts (But I prefer to drink diet pops to help limit this)
  • Eat lean foods (chicken, beef etc)
  • If I even have sudden cravings I make sure I control the portions
  • I love, love, love watermelon (it helps fill me up too)
  • Fruits and veggies are always good to help curb your appetite and are super healthy for you
Every person if different. I choose to eat healthier and control my portions of the not so good foods. It is said that what you put into your body you will get out of it. I am no doctor but I speak from first hand experience of waking up to feeling terrible after an unbalanced diet the following day. Always indulge on something just make sure to measure the portions.

Remember a healthy body image and lifestyle makes a happy person.

Miss Schneider

Saturday, 11 August 2012


I think it's very healthy to stimulate your senses. So I am going to write about a scenerio that can hopefully make you imagine yourself in it.

You hear a soft push as the waves of the ocean ripple onto the sands shoreline. There in your right hand it an ice cold lemonade. It is so hot out the condensation is dripping off of the outside of the glass. You take a sip and the sweet tangy drink flows down your throat quenching your thirst. You look up but have to cup your hand over your eyes to look into the distance. You see a very attractive person so you decide to leave your chair and walk over. As your feet touch the sand you remember why you choose to sit in the first place. The sand id so hot you bolt right into the salt water. As you enter the waters, your cut on your leg begins to sting from the salt. You manage to somewhat gracefully make your way over to that attractive person. They smile and all of that difficulty is forgotten.

That is just an example of how the use of a word can really let you escape and imagine yourself in the scenerio. This was just a small example about how writing using your senses can really make the reader engage with the text. Although and style of writing is unique, I wanted to show how your senses can really help you connect.

Miss Schneider

Wake up to?

You wake up in the morning and get out of your nice cozy bed. What is the first things you do?  For everyone it is different. Some people hop in the shower. Others start their day with a hot cup of java. In some cases the person has no time to do anything because they value their sleep. The point is you have to so whatever makes your day start out the best for you. The beginning of your day is the most important point because it reflects on how the rest of your day will go. For me I enjoy to start out my day with a steady half hour of pilates. It gives me a much needed energy boost to make it through my busy schedule. No matter what makes you balanced, try to fit time into your daily routine. It will pay off in the long run.

Miss Schneider

Friday, 10 August 2012

Overcoming Obstacles

Hurt is something that each person deals and copes with in a different way. I would like to start off by stating that you can be the one causing yourself hurt, as well as others. Or someone could be hurting you. The big step that is the toughest one to overcome is moving on. This applies in all cases where you feel like you have been done wrong by.

In the case where you could be causing yourself hurt and others I would like to give an example. A person who is struggling with addiction is distancing themselves from their family members. The family who is trying to help the addicted individual are being pushed away. This causes both parties to be hurt. And makes it hard for any resolution to discovered.

The second case of a person hurting you. Just to go out of their way to make your life a little less important. An example would be the bully taking the victims lunch money because the bully knows that he or she can get away with it. This example is also makes it hard to obtain a resolution.

Whether you are being hurt, hurting someone, or know someone who is being hurt. Please get help. Don't leave it until you are so swallowed with sadness and anger. Don't leave it until you get desperat. Go to a therapist, counseller, friend, mother, father, teacher.  Let yourself breathe by giving yourself oxygen.

Make sure that you think about what things you have to look forward to living for. If that is difficult think of waking up on a bright winter morning. Imagine waking up and seeing the sun shining off of the snowy peaks. Imagine breathing in the fresh crips air. There is hope for everyone, and my hope is that everyone can wake up in the morning knowing that they are beautiful.

Keep smiling,

Miss Schneider